
Samson Safety Solutions


Samson Safety Solutions

about samson safety solutions - safety consultants in tauranga

Henry Samson


I founded Samson Safety Solutions in 2015 and since then have been delivering health and safety solutions to a variety of small to medium-sized businesses including, pest control, horticultural & fencing contractors, plasterers, painters, boat building, manufacturing and construction sectors.

In my past life, I’ve worked for the Regional Council, Animal Health Board and Operational Solutions for Primary Industries (OSPRI) as a field supervisor, these organisations provided me with foundational health and safety training and experience. Initially, my practice was founded on supporting pest control contractors transitioning to more general practice and more recently returning to environment-based organisations. I enjoy working with people from diverse ethnicities and backgrounds and I’m currently working with Manaaki Kaimai Mamaku Trust and MPI’s Wallaby Management Programme providing ongoing H & S support to multiple entities.

In recent years I’ve completed short-term contracts with Whakatane Mill, Kiwifruit Packhouses, stevedoring businesses and local councils, I also have many clients I continually work alongside to improve health & safety engagement and culture.

I’m an NZISM-accredited OSH “Professional” and regularly attend branch meetings. I’m constantly looking to up-skill my professional development. To date, I’ve completed the NEBOSH General Certificate, ICAM Health & Safety Systems, Health & Safety Rep training, several OSH papers with Massey University and recently attained a Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice – OSH.

Wherever possible, I look for opportunities to introduce and help facilitate “Safety Differently” principles in businesses that are open and committed to empowering their frontline teams. I believe this philosophy provides opportunities for businesses to adopt positive new ways to manage safety and health.

I volunteer for Coastguard NZ, as a Unit Safety Officer and CRV Skipper. I’m happily married and have been blessed with two beautiful daughters, I’m strongly connected with nature & enjoy bush walks and playing on/under the ocean.

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Review includes an overview of your current systems and suggestions for improvement.

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Interested in finding out more? Contact us today and discover how Samson Safety can help improve your health & safety processes.

“…continually added value…”

“I have partnered with Henry and Samson Safety Solutions for the last couple of years. Not only has Henry provided outstanding service and is great to partner with but he has continually added value in all aspects of our Health and Safety journey and effectively is an extension of our business.”

Chaytor Fencing Co.